Pobytu Card


At Navisgator, immigrants who rent a car for more than 6 months are eligible for a free permanent residence card.

    Benefits of the Permanent Residence Card

  • Live in Poland for an extended period
  • Bring your family to Poland
  • Obtain a loan and buy a home with a mortgage
  • Travel to EU countries for up to 90 days
  • Purchase the rented car at the end of the rental period

Permanent residence in Poland can be obtained through various means:

  • Foreigners who have been residing in Poland legally for an extended period of time (from 4 years with a temporary residence permit)

  • Foreigners who are married to Polish citizens

  • Children whose parents have a residence permit in Poland

Additional requirements for obtaining permanent residence in Poland:

  • Fluency in the Polish language and knowledge of the Polish Constitution, history, and culture

  • A stable source of income in Poland

  • Compulsory health insurance

  • Rental or purchase of real estate in Poland

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